We connect to the internet through our mobiles, our TVs, electronic home assistants, even our electric meters and watches. But are we protected from cyber criminals?
Increasingly, businesses are taking advantage of the vast interconnected nature of our devices, commonly known as the ‘Internet of Things’ IoT devices like ‘smart’ technology are particularly vulnerable because many don’t consider them to be like other internet-enabled devices like desktop and laptop computers.
Additionally, as businesses move towards more cloud-based data storage, it’s important to note that 60% of all data stored in the cloud is not access secured, making it highly vulnerable to exposure.
Awareness around cyber security will continue to grow as businesses focus their attention on protecting consumer data to protect themselves from the authorities.
58% of UK businesses can’t detect IoT security breaches and 40% of SMEs wouldn’t know who to contact in the event of a cyber crime. The introduction of GDPR means that businesses are directly responsible for the protection of their clients’ data and they can incur massive fines if they’ve been found to be negligent.
In the past, companies who have suffered major breaches have included Facebook, Yahoo and British Airways. These breaches resulted in millions of users’ data being shared without their consent and their personal information being stolen by cybercriminals. Under the GDPR, these companies would have lost thousands and millions more than they did thanks to harsher maximum fine limits which other businesses will need to keep in mind when building a cyber security strategy.
Below are some facts and figures about cyber safety in the UK, including how safe the country is compared to its neighbours in Europe and how safe your data is in the hands of some of the largest industries in the country.
